Why Your VC Fund Needs a Head of Platform

Unlock the power of a dedicated Platform team to drive growth, support portfolio companies, and stand out in the VC landscape.

What Does a Head of Platform Do?

A Head of Platform ensures your fund delivers on its promise to portfolio companies by coordinating resources, relationships, and opportunities. They are the connection hub between founders, investors, advisors, and experts.

Platform Growth in Venture Capital

The rise of Platform roles in VC firms is clear:

92.7% of VC firms with over $1B in assets have Platform teams (Source: powerof.vcplatform.com)
Platform roles make up 13.1% of core VC teams in 2022, compared to 6.4% in 2000 (Source: powerof.vcplatform.com)

The ROI of a Head of Platform

Investing in a Head of Platform can drive significant returns for both your fund and its portfolio:

+1,100 basis point increase in Net IRR (Source: powerof.vcplatform.com)
0.5x higher TVPI multiple compared to firms without a Platform team (Source: powerof.vcplatform.com)

Why It Matters for VCs

A Head of Platform ensures that your firm stands out by providing value beyond capital:

Discover the top Heads of Platform in leading VC networks today See the list here